Weather in Korean: 날씨’s meaning and pronunciation

Weather in Korean, 날씨 meaningWeather in Korean is 날씨. For examples, you can use like [가을 날씨, 겨울 날씨]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 날씨 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
날씨 noun 날씨

날씨 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
weather The daily temperature or the conditions of rain, clouds, wind, fog, etc., in the atmosphere.


가을 날씨.
autumn weather.
겨울 날씨.
winter weather.
하늘에 먹구름이 잔뜩 껴서 날씨가 매우 음산하다.
The sky is overcast with dark clouds and the weather is very gloomy.
승규는 내일 비가 오는지 궁금해서 기상청에 날씨를 알아보았다.
Seung-gyu wondered if it would rain tomorrow, so he checked the weather with the Korea Meteorological Administration.


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