Absence in Korean: 결석’s meaning and pronunciation

Absence in Korean, 결석 meaningAbsence in Korean is 결석. For examples, you can use like [장기 결석, 결석 일수]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 결석 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
결석 noun 缺席缺席 결썩

결석 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
absence Not attending official gatherings, such as school or meetings.


장기 결석.
결석 일수.
number of days absent.
지수는 몸이 아파서 학교에 결석을 했다.
Jisoo was ill and was absent from school.
나는 한 번도 결석을 하지 않아 개근상을 받았다.
I was never absent, so I won an attendance award.


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