Age in Korean: 나이’s meaning and pronunciation

Age in Korean, 나이 meaningAge in Korean is 나이. For examples, you can use like [비슷한 나이, 나이 차이]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 나이 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
나이 noun 나이

나이 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
age The number of years a person, animal, or plant has lived since birth.


비슷한 나이.
similar age.
나이 차이.
age difference.
언니는 나이가 들어서 주름이 더 깊어졌다며 매우 속상해 하였다.
The older sister said that her wrinkles got deeper as she got older, and she was very upset.
그 친구는 동안이어서 서른둘의 나이임에도 고등학생처럼 보인다.
The friend is young, so even though he is thirty-two, he looks like a high school student.


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