Airport in Korean: 공항’s meaning and pronunciation

Airport in Korean, 공항 meaningAirport in Korean is 공항. For examples, you can use like [공항 시설, 공항에 도착하다]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 공항 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
공항 noun 空港空港 공항

공항 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
airport A place for airplanes to land and take off.


공항 시설.
airport facilities.
공항에 도착하다.
Arrive at airport.
미국행 비행기가 공항에서 이륙하고 있다.
A plane bound for America is taking off from the airport.
공항 안에서는 폭우로 비행기의 출발이 지연된다는 안내 방송이 나왔다.
Inside the airport, there was an announcement that the departure of the plane was delayed due to heavy rain.


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