Always in Korean: 늘’s meaning and pronunciation

Always in Korean, 늘 meaningAlways in Korean is 늘. For examples, you can use like [늘 감사합니다, 부모님이 늘 건강하길 바란다]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 늘 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound

늘 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
always Invariably, all the time.


늘 감사합니다.
Parents of children want their children to always be healthy.
부모님이 늘 건강하길 바란다.
I hope your parents are always healthy.
신랑은 신부에게 늘 곁에 있어 주겠다고 약속했다.
The groom promised the bride that she would always be by her side.
민준은 늘 푸른 소나무처럼 한결같은 사람이었다.
Minjun has always been a consistent person like a green pine tree.


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