Arrival in Korean: 도착’s meaning and pronunciation

Arrival in Korean, 도착 meaningArrival in Korean is 도착. For examples, you can use like [도착 시간, 도착 알림]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 도착 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
도착 noun 到着到着 도ː착

도착 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
arrival The act of reaching a destination.


도착 시간.
arrival time.
도착 알림.
Arrival notification.
오후 네 시쯤 도착 예정인 비행기는 한 편밖에 없었다.
There was only one flight scheduled to arrive around 4pm.
기차역에서는 우리가 탈 기차의 도착을 알리는 안내 방송이 나왔다.
At the train station, an announcement was made announcing the arrival of our train.


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