
Intermediate Words

division in Korean: 부문’s meaning and pronunciation

division in Korean is 부문. For examples, you can use like [공업 부문, 미술 부문]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use division in Korean along with examples.
Intermediate Words

parents in Korean: 부모’s meaning and pronunciation

parents in Korean is 부모. For examples, you can use like [양가 부모, 양친 부모]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use parents in Korean along with examples.
Intermediate Words

break in Korean: 부러지다’s meaning and pronunciation

break in Korean is 부러지다. For examples, you can use like [나무가 부러지다, 다리가 부러지다]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use break in Korean along with examples.
Intermediate Words

envy in Korean: 부러워하다’s meaning and pronunciation

envy in Korean is 부러워하다. For examples, you can use like [부러워하는 눈치, 부러워하는 마음]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use envy in Korean along with examples.
Intermediate Words

be bumped into in Korean: 부딪히다’s meaning and pronunciation

be bumped into in Korean is 부딪히다. For examples, you can use like [바위에 부딪히다, 벽에 부딪히다]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use be bumped into in Korean along with examples.
Intermediate Words

hit in Korean: 부딪치다’s meaning and pronunciation

hit in Korean is 부딪치다. For examples, you can use like [그릇이 부딪치다, 머리를 부딪치다]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use hit in Korean along with examples.
Intermediate Words

property in Korean: 부동산’s meaning and pronunciation

property in Korean is 부동산. For examples, you can use like [부동산 가격, 부동산 거래]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use property in Korean along with examples.
Intermediate Words

burdensome in Korean: 부담스럽다’s meaning and pronunciation

burdensome in Korean is 부담스럽다. For examples, you can use like [부담스러운 상황, 부담스러운 자리]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use burdensome in Korean along with examples.
Intermediate Words

burden in Korean: 부담’s meaning and pronunciation

burden in Korean is 부담. For examples, you can use like [업무 부담, 부담이 되다]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use burden in Korean along with examples.
Intermediate Words

be ashamed of in Korean: 부끄러워하다’s meaning and pronunciation

be ashamed of in Korean is 부끄러워하다. For examples, you can use like [소녀가 부끄러워하다, 아이가 부끄러워하다]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use be ashamed of in Korean along with examples.
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