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incurrence in Korean: 초래’s meaning and pronunciation

incurrence in Korean is 초래. For examples, you can use like [갈등 초래, 사고 초래]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use incurrence in Korean along with examples.
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shabby in Korean: 초라하다’s meaning and pronunciation

shabby in Korean is 초라하다. For examples, you can use like [초라한 몰골, 초라한 옷차림]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use shabby in Korean along with examples.
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elementary class in Korean: 초등’s meaning and pronunciation

elementary class in Korean is 초등. For examples, you can use like [초등 과정, 초등 교과]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use elementary class in Korean along with examples.
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first in Korean: 초대’s meaning and pronunciation

first in Korean is 초대. For examples, you can use like [초대 교회, 초대 대통령]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use first in Korean along with examples.
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supernatural power in Korean: 초능력’s meaning and pronunciation

supernatural power in Korean is 초능력. For examples, you can use like [초능력 현상, 초능력이 생기다]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use supernatural power in Korean along with examples.
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excess in Korean: 초과’s meaning and pronunciation

excess in Korean is 초과. For examples, you can use like [정원 초과, 초과 달성]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use excess in Korean along with examples.
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superhigh speed in Korean: 초고속’s meaning and pronunciation

superhigh speed in Korean is 초고속. For examples, you can use like [초고속 다운로드, 초고속 성장]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use superhigh speed in Korean along with examples.
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chogajip in Korean: 초가집’s meaning and pronunciation

chogajip in Korean is 초가집. For examples, you can use like [초가집 마당, 초가집 울타리]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use chogajip in Korean along with examples.
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candle in Korean: 초’s meaning and pronunciation

candle in Korean is 초. For examples, you can use like [초 한 자루, 초를 구하다]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use candle in Korean along with examples.
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body type in Korean: 체형’s meaning and pronunciation

body type in Korean is 체형. For examples, you can use like [뚱뚱한 체형, 마른 체형]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use body type in Korean along with examples.
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