Autumn Foliage in Korean: 단풍’s meaning and pronunciation

Autumn Foliage in Korean, 단풍 meaningAutumn Foliage in Korean is 단풍. For examples, you can use like [단풍을 감상하다, 단풍놀이를 가다]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 단풍 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
단풍 noun 丹楓丹楓 단풍

단풍 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
autumn foliage A natural phenomenon in which leaves turn yellow or red in autumn, or such a tinged leaf.


단풍을 감상하다.
watch the autumn leaves
단풍놀이를 가다.
go to autumn leaves
나는 책장을 넘기다가 작년 가을에 주웠던 단풍을 찾았다.
I was flipping through the pages and found the autumn leaves I picked up last fall.
색색의 단풍이 든 나무를 보니 어느새 가을이 다가온 것 같다.
Looking at the trees with colored leaves, it seems that autumn has arrived.


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