Basketball in Korean: 농구’s meaning and pronunciation

Basketball in Korean, 농구 meaningBasketball in Korean is 농구. For examples, you can use like [농구 감독, 농구 경기]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 농구 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
농구 noun 籠球籠球 농구

농구 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
basketball A sport played by two teams of five players each, in which the winner is the team putting more balls into the other team’s basket.


농구 감독.
basketball coach.
농구 경기.
basketball game.
보통 키가 큰 사람들이 농구를 할 때 유리하다.
Usually tall people have an advantage when playing basketball.
내가 좋아하는 농구 선수가 오늘 경기에서 삼십 점을 득점했다.
My favorite basketball player scored thirty points in today’s game.


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