Be Extended in Korean: 늘다’s meaning and pronunciation

Be Extended in Korean, 늘다 meaningBe Extended in Korean is 늘다. For examples, you can use like [고무줄이 늘다, 길이가 늘다]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 늘다 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
늘다 verb 늘다

늘다 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
be extended For the length, area, volume, etc., of something to become longer or bigger than before.


고무줄이 늘다.
stretch the rubber band
길이가 늘다.
increase in length
아이가 불고 있는 풍선의 크기가 점점 늘어 간다.
The balloon that her child is blowing grows in size.
빵 반죽을 오븐에 넣고 구웠더니 부풀어서 부피가 늘었다.
He put the bread dough in the oven and baked it, and it swelled and increased in volume.

How to Conjugate 늘다

① Formal High (합니다체)

Present    늡니다
Past    늘었습니다
Past Perfect    늘었었습니다
Future    늘 것입니다
Condition    늘겠습니다

② Informal High (해요체)

Present    늘어요
Past    늘었어요
Past Perfect    늘었었어요
Future    늘 것이에요
Condition    늘겠어요

③ Informal Low (해체)

Present    늘어
Past    늘었어
Past Perfect    늘었었어
Future    늘 것이야
Condition    늘겠어

④ Formal Low (한다체)

Present    는다
Past    늘었다
Past Perfect    늘었었다
Future    늘 것이다
Condition    늘겠다


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