Black in Korean: 검은색’s meaning and pronunciation

Black in Korean, 검은색 meaningBlack in Korean is 검은색. For examples, you can use like [검은색 가죽 장갑, 검은색 구두]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 검은색 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
검은색 noun 검은 色검은 色 거믄색

검은색 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
black A very dark color like a night sky with no light.


검은색 가죽 장갑.
Black leather gloves.
검은색 구두.
black shoes.
장례식장에는 검은색 옷을 입은 조문객들이 줄을 이었다.
The funeral home was lined with mourners dressed in black.
김 화백의 수묵화는 검은색 먹과 흰 바탕이 아름답게 조화를 이루었다.
In Kim’s ink paintings, black ink and white background are beautifully harmonized.


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