Bowl in Korean: 그릇’s meaning and pronunciation

Bowl in Korean, 그릇 meaningBowl in Korean is 그릇. For examples, you can use like [국수 그릇, 반찬 그릇]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 그릇 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
그릇 noun 그륻

그릇 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
bowl; dish; container A utensil that holds food.


국수 그릇.
noodle bowl.
반찬 그릇.
side dish bowl.
할머니께서는 냉장고에서 꺼낸 반찬 그릇을 식탁에 올리셨다.
Her grandmother placed a bowl of side dishes from her refrigerator on her table.
나는 깨지기 쉬운 도자기나 유리로 된 그릇보다는 플라스틱 그릇이 좋다.

I prefer plastic bowls over fragile porcelain or glass bowls.


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