Calendar in Korean: 달력’s meaning and pronunciation

Calendar in Korean, 달력 meaningCalendar in Korean is 달력. For examples, you can use like [새해 달력, 작년 달력]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 달력 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
달력 noun 달 曆달 曆 달력

달력 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
calendar Paper or a booklet with months, days, days of week, seasonal divisions, dates of events, etc., printed in sequence by date.


새해 달력.
New Year’s calendar.
작년 달력.
Last year’s calendar.
민준은 달력을 보면서 어머니의 음력 생신이 언제인지 계산하였다.
Min-jun looked at his calendar and calculated when his mother’s lunar birthday was.
이 상점에서는 새해를 맞은 기념으로 단골손님들에게 신년 달력을 증정하였다.
As a commemoration of the new year, this store presented a New Year’s calendar to regular customers.


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