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scoring in Korean: 득점’s meaning and pronunciation

scoring in Korean is 득점. For examples, you can use like [최다 득점, 첫 득점]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use scoring in Korean along with examples.
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drink in Korean: 들이켜다’s meaning and pronunciation

drink in Korean is 들이켜다. For examples, you can use like [물을 들이켜다, 술을 들이켜다]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use drink in Korean along with examples.
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field in Korean: 들’s meaning and pronunciation

field in Korean is 들. For examples, you can use like [광활한 들, 넓은 들]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use field in Korean along with examples.
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raise in Korean: 들추다’s meaning and pronunciation

raise in Korean is 들추다. For examples, you can use like [돌을 들추다, 보자기를 들추다]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use raise in Korean along with examples.
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be crowded with in Korean: 들끓다’s meaning and pronunciation

be crowded with in Korean is 들끓다. For examples, you can use like [피난민들이 들끓다 구경꾼들로 들끓다 잡상인들이 들끓다 모기가 들끓다 벌레로 들끓다 들끓어 정신이 없다, 산으로 야영을 간 지수는 모기떼가 들끓어서 잠을 잘 수가 없었다]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use be crowded with in Korean along with examples.
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be excited in Korean: 들뜨다’s meaning and pronunciation

be excited in Korean is 들뜨다. For examples, you can use like [들뜨는 기분, 들뜬 마음]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use be excited in Korean along with examples.
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keep going in and out in Korean: 들락거리다’s meaning and pronunciation

keep going in and out in Korean is 들락거리다. For examples, you can use like [부엌을 들락거리다, 화장실을 들락거리다]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use keep going in and out in Korean along with examples.
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keep going in and out in Korean: 들락날락하다’s meaning and pronunciation

keep going in and out in Korean is 들락날락하다. For examples, you can use like [감옥을 들락날락하다, 부엌을 들락날락하다]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use keep going in and out in Korean along with examples.
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move up and down in Korean: 들먹이다’s meaning and pronunciation

move up and down in Korean is 들먹이다. For examples, you can use like [뚜껑이 들먹이다, 바위가 들먹이다]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use move up and down in Korean along with examples.
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move up and down in Korean: 들썩이다’s meaning and pronunciation

move up and down in Korean is 들썩이다. For examples, you can use like [의자가 들썩이다, 처마가 들썩이다]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use move up and down in Korean along with examples.
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