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writer in Korean: 글쓴이’s meaning and pronunciation

writer in Korean is 글쓴이. For examples, you can use like [글쓴이의 견해, 글쓴이의 생각]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use writer in Korean along with examples.
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soaring in Korean: 급등’s meaning and pronunciation

soaring in Korean is 급등. For examples, you can use like [가격 급등, 유가 급등]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use soaring in Korean along with examples.
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line in Korean: 금’s meaning and pronunciation

line in Korean is 금. For examples, you can use like [금이 나다, 금이 생기다]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use line in Korean along with examples.
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taboo in Korean: 금기’s meaning and pronunciation

taboo in Korean is 금기. For examples, you can use like [사회적 금기, 종교적 금기]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use taboo in Korean along with examples.
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interest rate in Korean: 금리’s meaning and pronunciation

interest rate in Korean is 금리. For examples, you can use like [고정 금리, 국제 금리]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use interest rate in Korean along with examples.
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gold medal in Korean: 금메달’s meaning and pronunciation

gold medal in Korean is 금메달. For examples, you can use like [올림픽 금메달, 대회 금메달]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use gold medal in Korean along with examples.
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icing on the cake in Korean: 금상첨화’s meaning and pronunciation

icing on the cake in Korean is 금상첨화. For examples, you can use like [라면에 김치는 금상첨화이다, 맥주에 치킨을 함께 마시면 금상첨화라 할 수있다]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use icing on the cake in Korean along with examples.
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severe in Korean: 극심하다’s meaning and pronunciation

severe in Korean is 극심하다. For examples, you can use like [극심한 가뭄, 극심한 갈등]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use severe in Korean along with examples.
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being theatrical in Korean: 극적’s meaning and pronunciation

being theatrical in Korean is 극적. For examples, you can use like [극적인 소재, 극적인 어투]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use being theatrical in Korean along with examples.
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thrift and saving in Korean: 근검절약’s meaning and pronunciation

thrift and saving in Korean is 근검절약. For examples, you can use like [근검절약 운동, 근검절약 정신]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use thrift and saving in Korean along with examples.
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