Advance ㅎ brother-in-law in Korean: 형부’s meaning and pronunciation brother-in-law in Korean is 형부. For examples, you can use like [언니와 형부, 형부의 건강]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use brother-in-law in Korean along with examples. 2022.12.21 Advance ㅎAdvanced WordsWordsㅎ
Advance ㅎ blood in Korean: 혈액’s meaning and pronunciation blood in Korean is 혈액. For examples, you can use like [응고된 혈액, 혈액 검사]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use blood in Korean along with examples. 2022.12.21 Advance ㅎAdvanced WordsWordsㅎ
Advance ㅎ criminal case in Korean: 형사’s meaning and pronunciation criminal case in Korean is 형사. For examples, you can use like [형사 고발, 형사 사건]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use criminal case in Korean along with examples. 2022.12.21 Advance ㅎAdvanced WordsWordsㅎ
Advance ㅎ blood type in Korean: 혈액형’s meaning and pronunciation blood type in Korean is 혈액형. For examples, you can use like [동일한 혈액형, 혈액형 검사]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use blood type in Korean along with examples. 2022.12.21 Advance ㅎAdvanced WordsWordsㅎ
Advance ㅎ form in Korean: 형상’s meaning and pronunciation form in Korean is 형상. For examples, you can use like [동물의 형상, 인간의 형상]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use form in Korean along with examples. 2022.12.21 Advance ㅎAdvanced WordsWordsㅎ
Advance ㅎ being innovative in Korean: 혁신적’s meaning and pronunciation being innovative in Korean is 혁신적. For examples, you can use like [혁신적인 기술, 혁신적인 변신]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use being innovative in Korean along with examples. 2022.12.21 Advance ㅎAdvanced WordsWordsㅎ
Advance ㅎ current in Korean: 현’s meaning and pronunciation current in Korean is 현. For examples, you can use like [현 대통령, 현 상태]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use current in Korean along with examples. 2022.12.21 Advance ㅎAdvanced WordsWordsㅎ
Advance ㅎ dizziness in Korean: 현기증’s meaning and pronunciation dizziness in Korean is 현기증. For examples, you can use like [가벼운 현기증, 심한 현기증]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use dizziness in Korean along with examples. 2022.12.21 Advance ㅎAdvanced WordsWordsㅎ
Advance ㅎ wise in Korean: 현명하다’s meaning and pronunciation wise in Korean is 현명하다. For examples, you can use like [현명한 사람, 현명한 선택]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use wise in Korean along with examples. 2022.12.21 Advance ㅎAdvanced WordsWordsㅎ
Advance ㅎ wise mother and wife in Korean: 현모양처’s meaning and pronunciation wise mother and wife in Korean is 현모양처. For examples, you can use like [소문난 현모양처, 현모양처의 모습]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use wise mother and wife in Korean along with examples. 2022.12.21 Advance ㅎAdvanced WordsWordsㅎ