Basic ㅇ

Memorize in Korean: 외우다’s meaning and pronunciation

Memorize in Korean is 외우다. For examples, you can use like [구구단을 외우다, 글을 외우다]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use Memorize in Korean along with examples.
Basic ㅇ

Going Out in Korean: 외출’s meaning and pronunciation

Going Out in Korean is 외출. For examples, you can use like [부부 동반 외출, 야간 외출]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use Going Out in Korean along with examples.
Basic ㅇ

Left Hand in Korean: 왼손’s meaning and pronunciation

Left Hand in Korean is 왼손. For examples, you can use like [왼손이 크다, 왼손을 내밀다]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use Left Hand in Korean along with examples.
Basic ㅇ

Left in Korean: 왼쪽’s meaning and pronunciation

Left in Korean is 왼쪽. For examples, you can use like [왼쪽 가슴, 왼쪽 귀]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use Left in Korean along with examples.
Basic ㅇ

Fare in Korean: 요금’s meaning and pronunciation

Fare in Korean is 요금. For examples, you can use like [공공 요금, 기본 요금]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use Fare in Korean along with examples.
Basic ㅇ

Clothes in Korean: 옷’s meaning and pronunciation

Clothes in Korean is 옷. For examples, you can use like [새 옷, 까만 옷]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use Clothes in Korean along with examples.
Basic ㅇ

Clothes Hanger in Korean: 옷걸이’s meaning and pronunciation

Clothes Hanger in Korean is 옷걸이. For examples, you can use like [옷걸이에 걸다, 그녀는 남편이 벗어 놓은 양복 재킷을 옷걸이에 걸어 정리했다]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use Clothes Hanger in Korean along with examples.
Basic ㅇ

Elder Brother in Korean: 오빠’s meaning and pronunciation

Elder Brother in Korean is 오빠. For examples, you can use like [사촌 오빠, 오빠가 오다]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use Elder Brother in Korean along with examples.
Basic ㅇ

Wardrobe in Korean: 옷장’s meaning and pronunciation

Wardrobe in Korean is 옷장. For examples, you can use like [옷장이 가득하다, 옷장을 들여놓다]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use Wardrobe in Korean along with examples.
Basic ㅇ

Fifty in Korean: 오십’s meaning and pronunciation

Fifty in Korean is 오십. For examples, you can use like [오십살, 오십대 신사]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use Fifty in Korean along with examples.
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