Basic ㅂ

Inconvenience in Korean: 불편’s meaning and pronunciation

Inconvenience in Korean is 불편. For examples, you can use like [생활의 불편, 불편이 따르다]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use Inconvenience in Korean along with examples.
Basic ㅂ

Red in Korean: 붉다’s meaning and pronunciation

Red in Korean is 붉다. For examples, you can use like [붉은 노을, 붉은 색]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use Red in Korean along with examples.
Basic ㅂ

Stick To in Korean: 붙다’s meaning and pronunciation

Stick To in Korean is 붙다. For examples, you can use like [붙은 상표, 먼지가 붙다]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use Stick To in Korean along with examples.
Basic ㅂ

Diligent in Korean: 부지런하다’s meaning and pronunciation

Diligent in Korean is 부지런하다. For examples, you can use like [부지런한 사람, 부지런한 습관]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use Diligent in Korean along with examples.
Basic ㅂ

Request in Korean: 부탁’s meaning and pronunciation

Request in Korean is 부탁. For examples, you can use like [간절한 부탁, 어려운 부탁]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use Request in Korean along with examples.
Basic ㅂ

Spring in Korean: 봄’s meaning and pronunciation

Spring in Korean is 봄. For examples, you can use like [꽃 피는 봄, 따뜻한 봄]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use Spring in Korean along with examples.
Basic ㅂ

North in Korean: 북쪽’s meaning and pronunciation

North in Korean is 북쪽. For examples, you can use like [나침반의 북쪽, 북쪽 지역]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use North in Korean along with examples.
Basic ㅂ

Envelope in Korean: 봉투’s meaning and pronunciation

Envelope in Korean is 봉투. For examples, you can use like [돈 봉투, 서류 봉투]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use Envelope in Korean along with examples.
Basic ㅂ

This in Korean: 분’s meaning and pronunciation

This in Korean is 분. For examples, you can use like [당첨되신 분, 호명되신 분]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use This in Korean along with examples.
Basic ㅂ

See in Korean: 뵙다’s meaning and pronunciation

See in Korean is 뵙다. For examples, you can use like [부모님을 뵙다, 사장님을 뵙다]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use See in Korean along with examples.
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