Intermediate Words

god in Korean: 하느님’s meaning and pronunciation

god in Korean is 하느님. For examples, you can use like [하느님의 뜻, 하느님의 존재]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use god in Korean along with examples.
Intermediate Words

at a stroke in Korean: 한꺼번에’s meaning and pronunciation

at a stroke in Korean is 한꺼번에. For examples, you can use like [한꺼번에 갚다, 한꺼번에 몰려들다]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use at a stroke in Korean along with examples.
Intermediate Words

midday in Korean: 한낮’s meaning and pronunciation

midday in Korean is 한낮. For examples, you can use like [한낮 더위, 한낮의 햇볕]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use midday in Korean along with examples.
Intermediate Words

one glance in Korean: 한눈’s meaning and pronunciation

one glance in Korean is 한눈. For examples, you can use like [한눈에 반하다, 한눈에 알다]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use one glance in Korean along with examples.
Intermediate Words

being for a long time in Korean: 한동안’s meaning and pronunciation

being for a long time in Korean is 한동안. For examples, you can use like [한동안의 논란, 한동안의 침묵]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use being for a long time in Korean along with examples.
Intermediate Words

one time in Korean: 한때’s meaning and pronunciation

one time in Korean is 한때. For examples, you can use like [한때의 감정, 한때의 바람]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use one time in Korean along with examples.
Intermediate Words

one word in Korean: 한마디’s meaning and pronunciation

one word in Korean is 한마디. For examples, you can use like [대꾸 한마디, 인사 한마디]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use one word in Korean along with examples.
Intermediate Words

classical Chinese in Korean: 한문’s meaning and pronunciation

classical Chinese in Korean is 한문. For examples, you can use like [훌륭한 한문, 한문을 배우다]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use classical Chinese in Korean along with examples.
Intermediate Words

midnight in Korean: 한밤중’s meaning and pronunciation

midnight in Korean is 한밤중. For examples, you can use like [한밤중의 어둠, 한밤중의 정적]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use midnight in Korean along with examples.
Intermediate Words

instant in Korean: 한순간’s meaning and pronunciation

instant in Korean is 한순간. For examples, you can use like [한순간의 실수, 한순간을 노리다]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use instant in Korean along with examples.
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