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living in Korean: 생계’s meaning and pronunciation

living in Korean is 생계. For examples, you can use like [눈앞의 생계, 생계가 막막하다]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use living in Korean along with examples.
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being mutual in Korean: 상호’s meaning and pronunciation

being mutual in Korean is 상호. For examples, you can use like [상호 갈등, 상호 개방]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use being mutual in Korean along with examples.
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liveliness in Korean: 생동감’s meaning and pronunciation

liveliness in Korean is 생동감. For examples, you can use like [생동감이 넘치다, 생동감이 느껴지다]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use liveliness in Korean along with examples.
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thoroughly in Korean: 샅샅이’s meaning and pronunciation

thoroughly in Korean is 샅샅이. For examples, you can use like [샅샅이 뒤지다, 샅샅이 밝히다]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use thoroughly in Korean along with examples.
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life force in Korean: 생명력’s meaning and pronunciation

life force in Korean is 생명력. For examples, you can use like [질긴 생명력, 생명력이 강하다]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use life force in Korean along with examples.
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sangyeo in Korean: 상여’s meaning and pronunciation

sangyeo in Korean is 상여. For examples, you can use like [상여 행렬, 상여가 나가다]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use sangyeo in Korean along with examples.
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bonus in Korean: 상여금’s meaning and pronunciation

bonus in Korean is 상여금. For examples, you can use like [성과 상여금, 특별 상여금]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use bonus in Korean along with examples.
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common use in Korean: 상용’s meaning and pronunciation

common use in Korean is 상용. For examples, you can use like [상용 의약품, 상용 한자]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use common use in Korean along with examples.
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high rank in Korean: 상위’s meaning and pronunciation

high rank in Korean is 상위. For examples, you can use like [상위 개념, 상위 그룹]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use high rank in Korean along with examples.
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upper rank in Korean: 상위권’s meaning and pronunciation

upper rank in Korean is 상위권. For examples, you can use like [상위권 대학, 상위권 학생]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use upper rank in Korean along with examples.
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