Advance ㅁ indiscretion in Korean: 무분별’s meaning and pronunciation indiscretion in Korean is 무분별. For examples, you can use like [탐욕과 무분별, 무분별이라고 보다]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use indiscretion in Korean along with examples. 2022.12.21 Advance ㅁAdvanced WordsWordsㅁ
Advance ㅁ being wireless in Korean: 무선’s meaning and pronunciation being wireless in Korean is 무선. For examples, you can use like [무선 네트워크, 무선 마이크]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use being wireless in Korean along with examples. 2022.12.21 Advance ㅁAdvanced WordsWordsㅁ
Advance ㅁ thick in Korean: 무성하다’s meaning and pronunciation thick in Korean is 무성하다. For examples, you can use like [무성하게 나다, 무성하게 우거지다]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use thick in Korean along with examples. 2022.12.21 Advance ㅁAdvanced WordsWordsㅁ
Advance ㅁ no news in Korean: 무소식’s meaning and pronunciation no news in Korean is 무소식. For examples, you can use like [무소식이 희소식이다, 아직까지 무소식이다]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use no news in Korean along with examples. 2022.12.21 Advance ㅁAdvanced WordsWordsㅁ
Advance ㅁ numerous in Korean: 무수하다’s meaning and pronunciation numerous in Korean is 무수하다. For examples, you can use like [무수한 사람들, 무수하게 나다]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use numerous in Korean along with examples. 2022.12.21 Advance ㅁAdvanced WordsWordsㅁ
Advance ㅁ numerously in Korean: 무수히’s meaning and pronunciation numerously in Korean is 무수히. For examples, you can use like [무수히 듣다, 무수히 많다]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use numerously in Korean along with examples. 2022.12.21 Advance ㅁAdvanced WordsWordsㅁ
Advance ㅁ martial arts in Korean: 무술’s meaning and pronunciation martial arts in Korean is 무술. For examples, you can use like [전통 무술, 무술 실력]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use martial arts in Korean along with examples. 2022.12.21 Advance ㅁAdvanced WordsWordsㅁ
Advance ㅁ horrible in Korean: 무시무시하다’s meaning and pronunciation horrible in Korean is 무시무시하다. For examples, you can use like [무시무시한 감옥, 무시무시한 고문]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use horrible in Korean along with examples. 2022.12.21 Advance ㅁAdvanced WordsWordsㅁ
Advance ㅁ ignorance in Korean: 무식’s meaning and pronunciation ignorance in Korean is 무식. For examples, you can use like [무식이 드러나다, 무식이 탄로 나다]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use ignorance in Korean along with examples. 2022.12.21 Advance ㅁAdvanced WordsWordsㅁ
Advance ㅁ rudeness in Korean: 무례’s meaning and pronunciation rudeness in Korean is 무례. For examples, you can use like [무례를 꾸짖다, 무례를 범하다]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use rudeness in Korean along with examples. 2022.12.21 Advance ㅁAdvanced WordsWordsㅁ