Advance ㄱ vomiting in Korean: 구토’s meaning and pronunciation vomiting in Korean is 구토. For examples, you can use like [구토 증세, 구토가 나다]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use vomiting in Korean along with examples. 2022.12.21 Advance ㄱAdvanced WordsWordsㄱ
Advance ㄱ slogan in Korean: 구호’s meaning and pronunciation slogan in Korean is 구호. For examples, you can use like [구호 아래, 구호를 내걸다]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use slogan in Korean along with examples. 2022.12.21 Advance ㄱAdvanced WordsWordsㄱ
Advance ㄱ -guk in Korean: -국’s meaning and pronunciation -guk in Korean is -국. For examples, you can use like [관리국, 기지국]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use -guk in Korean along with examples. 2022.12.21 Advance ㄱAdvanced WordsWordsㄱ
Advance ㄱ being national in Korean: 국가적’s meaning and pronunciation being national in Korean is 국가적. For examples, you can use like [국가적인 과제, 국가적인 관심]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use being national in Korean along with examples. 2022.12.21 Advance ㄱAdvanced WordsWordsㄱ
Advance ㄱ border in Korean: 국경’s meaning and pronunciation border in Korean is 국경. For examples, you can use like [국경 지대, 국경 초소]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use border in Korean along with examples. 2022.12.21 Advance ㄱAdvanced WordsWordsㄱ
Advance ㄱ subscription in Korean: 구독’s meaning and pronunciation subscription in Korean is 구독. For examples, you can use like [신문 구독, 정기 구독]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use subscription in Korean along with examples. 2022.12.21 Advance ㄱAdvanced WordsWordsㄱ
Advance ㄱ help in Korean: 구제’s meaning and pronunciation help in Korean is 구제. For examples, you can use like [구제 기관, 구제 방법]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use help in Korean along with examples. 2022.12.21 Advance ㄱAdvanced WordsWordsㄱ
Advance ㄱ scrooge in Korean: 구두쇠’s meaning and pronunciation scrooge in Korean is 구두쇠. For examples, you can use like [소문난 구두쇠, 지독한 구두쇠]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use scrooge in Korean along with examples. 2022.12.21 Advance ㄱAdvanced WordsWordsㄱ
Advance ㄱ consumer in Korean: 구매자’s meaning and pronunciation consumer in Korean is 구매자. For examples, you can use like [잠재적인 구매자, 구매자의 욕구]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use consumer in Korean along with examples. 2022.12.21 Advance ㄱAdvanced WordsWordsㄱ
Advance ㄱ abuse in Korean: 구박’s meaning and pronunciation abuse in Korean is 구박. For examples, you can use like [온갖 구박, 모진 구박]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use abuse in Korean along with examples. 2022.12.21 Advance ㄱAdvanced WordsWordsㄱ