Advance ㅈ assembly in Korean: 집회’s meaning and pronunciation assembly in Korean is 집회. For examples, you can use like [대규모 집회, 불법 집회]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use assembly in Korean along with examples. 2022.12.21 Advance ㅈAdvanced WordsWordsㅈ
Advance ㅈ provoking in Korean: 짓궂다’s meaning and pronunciation provoking in Korean is 짓궂다. For examples, you can use like [짓궂은 감정, 짓궂은 농담]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use provoking in Korean along with examples. 2022.12.21 Advance ㅈAdvanced WordsWordsㅈ
Advance ㅈ press in Korean: 짓누르다’s meaning and pronunciation press in Korean is 짓누르다. For examples, you can use like [짓누르는 손, 짓누른 바위]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use press in Korean along with examples. 2022.12.21 Advance ㅈAdvanced WordsWordsㅈ
Advance ㅈ trample in Korean: 짓밟다’s meaning and pronunciation trample in Korean is 짓밟다. For examples, you can use like [짓밟은 꽁초, 잔디를 짓밟다]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use trample in Korean along with examples. 2022.12.21 Advance ㅈAdvanced WordsWordsㅈ
Advance ㅈ be frightened in Korean: 질리다’s meaning and pronunciation be frightened in Korean is 질리다. For examples, you can use like [기가 질리다, 남자에 질리다]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use be frightened in Korean along with examples. 2022.12.21 Advance ㅈAdvanced WordsWordsㅈ
Advance ㅈ be trampled in Korean: 짓밟히다’s meaning and pronunciation be trampled in Korean is 짓밟히다. For examples, you can use like [짓밟힌 꽃밭, 짓밟힌 화단]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use be trampled in Korean along with examples. 2022.12.21 Advance ㅈAdvanced WordsWordsㅈ
Advance ㅈ question in Korean: 질의’s meaning and pronunciation question in Korean is 질의. For examples, you can use like [질의 시간, 질의 형식]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use question in Korean along with examples. 2022.12.21 Advance ㅈAdvanced WordsWordsㅈ
Advance ㅈ disgusting in Korean: 징그럽다’s meaning and pronunciation disgusting in Korean is 징그럽다. For examples, you can use like [징그러운 무늬, 징그러운 뱀]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use disgusting in Korean along with examples. 2022.12.21 Advance ㅈAdvanced WordsWordsㅈ
Advance ㅈ quality in Korean: 질적’s meaning and pronunciation quality in Korean is 질적. For examples, you can use like [질적인 변화, 질적인 측면]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use quality in Korean along with examples. 2022.12.21 Advance ㅈAdvanced WordsWordsㅈ
Advance ㅈ imprisonment in Korean: 징역’s meaning and pronunciation imprisonment in Korean is 징역. For examples, you can use like [징역 판결, 징역이 선고되다]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use imprisonment in Korean along with examples. 2022.12.21 Advance ㅈAdvanced WordsWordsㅈ