cerebral apoplexy in Korean: 뇌졸중’s meaning and pronunciation

cerebral apoplexy in Korean, 뇌졸중 meaningcerebral apoplexy in Korean is 뇌졸중. For examples, you can use like [뇌졸중 환자, 뇌졸중을 앓다]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 뇌졸중 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
뇌졸중 noun 腦卒中腦卒中 뇌졸쭝

뇌졸중 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
cerebral apoplexy; stroke An illness occurring when a blood vessel of the brain is blocked or bursts due to a blood shortage which causes paralysis of the hands and feet, speech disorder, difficulty in breathing, etc.


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