Chicken in Korean: 닭고기’s meaning and pronunciation

Chicken in Korean, 닭고기 meaningChicken in Korean is 닭고기. For examples, you can use like [닭고기 가슴살, 닭고기를 먹는다]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 닭고기 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
닭고기 noun 닥꼬기

닭고기 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
chicken The flesh of a chicken used for food.


닭고기 가슴살.
chicken breast.
닭고기를 먹는다.
eat chicken
나는 친구들과 함께 통닭집에서 닭고기를 먹었다.
I ate chicken at the whole chicken restaurant with my friends.
어머니는 신선한 닭고기로 먹음직스러운 삼계탕을 끓이셨다.
Her mother made a delicious samgyetang with fresh chicken.


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