Church in Korean: 교회’s meaning and pronunciation

Church in Korean, 교회 meaningChurch in Korean is 교회. For examples, you can use like [기독교 교회, 교회를 다니다]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 교회 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
교회 noun 敎會敎會 교ː회/교ː훼

교회 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
church A community of believers of Jesus Christ, or a place where they gather for religious activities.


기독교 교회.
Christian Church.
교회를 다니다.
go to church
승규는 작년부터 기독교인이 되어 교회에 다닌다.
Seung-gyu has been a Christian since last year and goes to church.
그는 우리 교회 목사님의 설교가 좋다며 예배에 나오기 시작했다.
He started coming to the service saying he liked the preaching of the pastor of our church.


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