Classroom in Korean: 교실’s meaning and pronunciation

Classroom in Korean, 교실 meaningClassroom in Korean is 교실. For examples, you can use like [일 학년 교실, 초등학교 교실]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 교실 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
교실 noun 敎室敎室 교ː실

교실 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
classroom In a kindergarten, elementary school, and secondary school, a room where a teacher teaches students.


일 학년 교실.
first grade classroom.
초등학교 교실.
elementary school classroom.
우리 반은 오늘 날씨가 좋아서 교실이 아닌 야외에서 수업을 했다.
My class had a class outside the classroom because the weather was nice today.
선생님은 수업 중에 떠드는 아이들에게 교실 뒤에 가서 서 있으라고 하셨다.
The teacher told the children who were talking in class to go and stand behind the classroom.


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