Cloud in Korean: 구름’s meaning and pronunciation

Cloud in Korean, 구름 meaningCloud in Korean is 구름. For examples, you can use like [검은 구름, 엷은 구름]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 구름 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
구름 noun 구름

구름 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
cloud A mass of liquid droplets or tiny ice pieces floating in the sky.


검은 구름.
black clouds.
엷은 구름.
thin clouds.
비가 오려는지 하늘에 잿빛 구름이 가득 끼었다.
The sky was filled with gray clouds as if it was about to rain.
하늘의 짙은 구름 뒤에는 아름다운 해가 빛나고 있다.
The beautiful sun is shining behind the dark clouds in the sky.


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