Cold Medicine in Korean: 감기약’s meaning and pronunciation

Cold Medicine in Korean, 감기약 meaningCold Medicine in Korean is 감기약. For examples, you can use like [감기약을 복용하다, 감기약을 먹다]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 감기약 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
감기약 noun 感氣藥感氣藥 감ː기약

감기약 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
cold medicine Medicine used to treat colds.


감기약을 복용하다.
take cold medicine
감기약을 먹다.
take cold medicine
지수는 기침이 너무 심해서 감기약을 사 먹었다.
Jisoo was coughing so badly that she bought a cold medicine.
어머니는 열이 나고 콧물이 나는 아이에게 감기약을 먹이셨다.
Mother gave her child with a fever and runny nose cold medicine.


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