Continuance in Korean: 계속’s meaning and pronunciation

Continuance in Korean, 계속 meaningContinuance in Korean is 계속. For examples, you can use like [더위의 계속, 장마의 계속]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 계속 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
계속 noun 繼續繼續 계ː속/게ː속

계속 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
continuance; succession The act of going on without interruption.


더위의 계속.
continuation of the heat.
장마의 계속.
continuation of the rainy season.
더운 날씨의 계속으로 사람들이 지친 모습이다.
It looks like people are tired from the continuation of hot weather.
남편이 폭력을 휘두르는데도 결혼 생활의 계속을 강요하는 것은 옳지 않다.
It is not right for her husband to force the marriage to continue even though he is violent.


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