Cough in Korean: 기침’s meaning and pronunciation

Cough in Korean, 기침 meaningCough in Korean is 기침. For examples, you can use like [심한 기침, 기침 소리]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 기침 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
기침 noun 기침

기침 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
cough A sudden expulsion of air through the throat from the lungs accompanied by a rough sound.


심한 기침.
Severe cough.
기침 소리.
나는 기침을 멎게 하는 약을 사 먹었으나 별 효과가 없었다.
I took medicine to stop coughing, but to no avail.
할아버지께서는 감기 때문에 기침을 심하게 하시다가 결국 피까지 토하셨다.
My grandfather coughed badly because of a cold and eventually vomited up blood.


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