Country in Korean: 나라’s meaning and pronunciation

Country in Korean, 나라 meaningCountry in Korean is 나라. For examples, you can use like [이웃 나라, 다른 나라]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 나라 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
나라 noun 나라

나라 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
country; nation; state A social organization of people with a territory and sovereign rights.


이웃 나라.
neighboring country.
다른 나라.
Other countries.
교장 선생님은 아이들에게 나라를 사랑하는 마음을 심어 주기 위해 노력하셨다.
The principal tried to instill in the children a heart of love for the country.
방송국에서는 태풍으로 큰 피해를 당한 이웃 나라를 도울 성금을 모금하고 있다.
The broadcasting station is raising money to help neighboring countries that have been severely damaged by the typhoon.


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