Curious in Korean: 궁금하다’s meaning and pronunciation

Curious in Korean, 궁금하다 meaningCurious in Korean is 궁금하다. For examples, you can use like [궁금하게 여기다, 궁금해서 묻다]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 궁금하다 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
궁금하다 adjective 궁금하다

궁금하다 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
curious Having a strong desire to know about something.


궁금하게 여기다.
be curious
궁금해서 묻다.
curious and ask
나는 오랫동안 연락이 닿지 않은 친구의 안부가 궁금했다.
I wondered about the well-being of a friend I hadn’t contacted for a long time.
나는 유민이가 공부를 잘하는 비결이 궁금해서 유민이의 수업 태도를 관찰해 보았다.
I was curious about the secret to Yu-min’s studying well, so I observed Yu-min’s attitude in class.

How to Conjugate 궁금하다

① Formal High (합니다체)

Present    궁금합니다
Past    궁금했습니다
Past Perfect    궁금했었습니다
Future    궁금할 것입니다
Condition    궁금하겠습니다

② Informal High (해요체)

Present    궁금해요
Past    궁금했어요
Past Perfect    궁금했었어요
Future    궁금할 것이에요
Condition    궁금하겠어요

③ Informal Low (해체)

Present    궁금해
Past    궁금했어
Past Perfect    궁금했었어
Future    궁금할 것이야
Condition    궁금하겠어

④ Formal Low (한다체)

Present    궁금하다
Past    궁금했다
Past Perfect    궁금했었다
Future    궁금할 것이다
Condition    궁금하겠다


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