Date in Korean: 며칠’s meaning and pronunciation

Date in Korean, 며칠 meaningDate in Korean is 며칠. For examples, you can use like [승규는 시험이 며칠부터인지 잊어버려서 친구에게 물어보았다, 할아버지는 기억력이 좋으셔서 손자들이 몇 월 며칠에 졸업했는지까지 다 기억하신다]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 며칠 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
며칠 noun 며칠

며칠 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
date A certain date of the month.


승규는 시험이 며칠부터인지 잊어버려서 친구에게 물어보았다.
Seung-gyu forgot what day the exam was from, so he asked his friend.
할아버지는 기억력이 좋으셔서 손자들이 몇 월 며칠에 졸업했는지까지 다 기억하신다.
Grandpa has a good memory, so he remembers all his grandchildren’s days of graduation.


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