Decision in Korean: 결심’s meaning and pronunciation

Decision in Korean, 결심 meaningDecision in Korean is 결심. For examples, you can use like [굳은 결심, 큰 결심]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 결심 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
결심 noun 決心決心 결씸

결심 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
decision; resolution; determination Making up one’s mind about something or this mindset.


굳은 결심.
firm determination.
큰 결심.
big decision.
나는 3일 만에 금연을 하겠다는 결심을 꺾고 말았다.
I broke my decision to quit smoking after 3 days.
지수는 이미 애인과 결혼하기로 결심을 해서 주위의 반대도 소용이 없었다.
Jisoo had already decided to marry her lover, so the opposition around her was to no avail.


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