Distance in Korean: 거리’s meaning and pronunciation

Distance in Korean, 거리 meaningDistance in Korean is 거리. For examples, you can use like [거리가 가깝다, 거리가 멀다]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 거리 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
거리 noun 距離距離 거ː리

거리 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
distance; length The extent of space between two objects or places that are apart from each other.


거리가 가깝다.
distance is close
거리가 멀다.
It is far.
우리 집에서 회사까지는 지하철로 30분 거리이다.
It is a 30-minute subway ride from my house to my office.
이제 시험을 시작할 테니 책상을 한 칸씩 띄워 옆 사람과 거리를 두고 앉으세요.
Now that the exam is about to start, move your desk one space at a time and sit at a distance from the person next to you.


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