Dog in Korean: 개’s meaning and pronunciation

Dog in Korean, 개 meaningDog in Korean is 개. For examples, you can use like [동네 개, 이웃집 개]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 개 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
noun 개ː

개 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
dog An animal raised as a pet or hunting companion, because it has a good sense of hearing and smell, is intelligent, and makes a good companion to humans.


동네 개.
neighborhood dog.
이웃집 개.
neighbor’s dog.
오늘 우리 집 담에는 잃어버린 개를 찾는 종이가 붙어 있었다.
Today on the wall of our house was a paper looking for a lost dog.
경찰은 마약 탐지를 위해 특수 훈련을 받은 개 열 마리를 이끌고 현장에 나타났다.
Police arrived at the scene with ten dogs specially trained to detect drugs.


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