Dormitory in Korean: 기숙사’s meaning and pronunciation

Dormitory in Korean, 기숙사 meaningDormitory in Korean is 기숙사. For examples, you can use like [공장 기숙사, 남학생 기숙사]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 기숙사 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
기숙사 noun 寄宿舍寄宿舍 기숙싸

기숙사 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
dormitory A facility provided by a school or company for students or employees to sleep in and have meals.


공장 기숙사.
factory dormitory.
남학생 기숙사.
boys dormitory.
여공들은 공장 기숙사에서 생활하며 열심히 일을 하였다.
The female workers lived in the factory dormitories and worked hard.
우리 학교는 지방 학생들을 위해 기숙사를 운영하고 있다.
Our school operates dormitories for local students.


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