Earrings in Korean: 귀걸이’s meaning and pronunciation

Earrings in Korean, 귀걸이 meaningEarrings in Korean is 귀걸이. For examples, you can use like [진주 귀걸이, 값비싼 귀걸이]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 귀걸이 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
귀걸이 noun 귀거리

귀걸이 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
earrings Accessories for the ears.


진주 귀걸이.
pearl earrings.
값비싼 귀걸이.
expensive earrings.
지수는 화려한 목걸이와 큼직한 반지, 커다란 귀걸이 등으로 자신을 치장했다.
Jisoo adorned herself with colorful necklaces, large rings, and large earrings.
유민이는 보석을 좋아해서 항상 큼지막한 귀걸이를 하고 다닌다.
Yu-Min likes jewelry, so she always wears large earrings.


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