Education in Korean: 교육’s meaning and pronunciation

Education in Korean, 교육 meaningEducation in Korean is 교육. For examples, you can use like [교육 제도, 교육 행정]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 교육 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
교육 noun 敎育敎育 교ː육

교육 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
education The act of teaching knowledge, culture, techniques, etc., in order to enhance one’s ability.


교육 제도.
education system.
교육 행정.
education administration.
승규는 집안 형편이 어려워 교육을 제대로 받지 못했다.
Seung-gyu did not receive a proper education due to poor family circumstances.
우리 회사에서는 한 달 동안 신입 사원들에 대한 교육을 실시할 예정이다.
Our company will conduct training for new employees for one month.


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