Elder Sister in Korean: 누나’s meaning and pronunciation

Elder Sister in Korean, 누나 meaningElder Sister in Korean is 누나. For examples, you can use like [사촌 누나, 우리 누나]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 누나 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
누나 noun 누ː나

누나 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
elder sister A word used by a male to refer to or address his female siblings or cousins older than himself.


사촌 누나.
cousin sister.
우리 누나.
my sister
내가 열세 살이 되자 세 살 위인 누나와 키가 비슷해졌다.
When I turned thirteen, I was about the same height as my older sister who was three years older.
엄마가 돌아가신 후에는 누나가 엄마처럼 나를 보살펴 주었다.
After her mother died, my sister took care of me like her mother.


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