Exchange in Korean: 교환’s meaning and pronunciation

Exchange in Korean, 교환 meaningExchange in Korean is 교환. For examples, you can use like [사이즈 교환, 현금 교환]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 교환 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
교환 noun 交換交換 교환

교환 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
exchange An act of changing something for something else.


사이즈 교환.
size exchange.
현금 교환.
cash exchange.
경쟁사에 우리 측 기밀을 넘기면서 거액과 교환을 한 직원이 밝혀졌다.
An employee who exchanged a large sum of money while handing over our secrets to a competitor was revealed.
포로가 된 김 대위는 포로교환으로 극적으로 풀려났다.
Capt. Kim, who became a prisoner of war, was dramatically released through a prisoner exchange.


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