Experience in Korean: 경험’s meaning and pronunciation

Experience in Korean, 경험 meaningExperience in Korean is 경험. For examples, you can use like [간접 경험, 사회 경험]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 경험 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
경험 noun 經驗經驗 경험

경험 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
experience Doing or going through something, or the knowledge or skills obtained in doing so.


간접 경험.
indirect experience.
사회 경험.
social experience.
나는 대학생 때에 경험을 넓히기 위해 다양한 아르바이트를 했다.
I did various part-time jobs to broaden my experience while in college.
할아버지의 말씀에는 풍부한 인생 경험에서 나오는 지혜가 들어 있었다.
His grandfather’s words contained wisdom from his rich life experience.


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