Eye in Korean: 눈’s meaning and pronunciation

Eye in Korean, 눈 meaningEye in Korean is 눈. For examples, you can use like [아름다운 눈, 예쁜 눈]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 눈 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound

눈 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
eye The sensory organ on the face of a person or animal that can see an object when stimulated by the light.


아름다운 눈.
beautiful eyes.
예쁜 눈.
pretty eyes.
어제 밤을 새서 야근을 했더니 눈이 빨갛게 충혈되었다.
Last night, I worked overtime and my eyes were red and bloodshot.
울먹울먹하던 아이의 눈에서 눈물이 주르륵 흘러내렸다.
Tears streamed down from her crying child’s eyes.


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