Fall in Korean: 가을’s meaning and pronunciation

Fall in Korean, 가을 meaningFall in Korean is 가을. For examples, you can use like [그해 가을, 내년 가을]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 가을 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
가을 noun 가을

가을 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
fall One of four seasons which comes between summer and winter.


그해 가을.
autumn of that year.
내년 가을.
next fall.
올 가을은 유난히 짧아서 여름 다음에 바로 겨울이 오는 것 같았다.
This fall was exceptionally short, so it felt like winter came right after summer.
가을에는 날씨도 선선하고 산에 단풍도 예뻐서 등산하기가 참 좋다.
In autumn, the weather is cool and the autumn leaves are beautiful in the mountains, so it is very good to hike.


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