Family in Korean: 가족’s meaning and pronunciation

Family in Korean, 가족 meaningFamily in Korean is 가족. For examples, you can use like [온 가족, 한 가족]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 가족 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
가족 noun 家族家族 가족

가족 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
family A group of people who mainly live together in the same house and are related by marriage or as parents, children, siblings, etc., or the members of such a group.


온 가족.
whole family.
한 가족.
one family.
이번 추석에는 오랜만에 형제들이 모두 와서 온 가족이 다 모이게 됐다.
This Chuseok, all the brothers and sisters have come and the whole family is gathering.
매일 친구 집에 놀러 가서 그런지 친구 식구들은 나를 자기 가족처럼 대해 준다.
I go to my friend’s house every day to play, so my friends and family treat me like their own family.


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