Fare in Korean: 교통비’s meaning and pronunciation

Fare in Korean, 교통비 meaningFare in Korean is 교통비. For examples, you can use like [교통비가 들다, 교통비가 오르다]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 교통비 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
교통비 noun 交通費交通費 교통비

교통비 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
fare; transportation expense The money paid to use transportation modes.


교통비가 들다.
transportation costs
교통비가 오르다.
transportation costs go up
지수는 회사 출퇴근 교통비로 매월 십만 원이 든다.
The index costs 100,000 won per month for transportation expenses to and from work.
승규는 기름값이 비싸지자 대중교통을 이용하여 교통비를 절약하기로 했다.
Seung-gyu decided to save money by using public transportation when the price of oil became expensive.


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