Flower Shop in Korean: 꽃집’s meaning and pronunciation

Flower Shop in Korean, 꽃집 meaningFlower Shop in Korean is 꽃집. For examples, you can use like [꽃집 주인, 꽃집을 열다]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 꽃집 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
꽃집 noun 꼳찝

꽃집 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
flower shop A shop selling flowers and other plants.


꽃집 주인.
Flower shop owner.
꽃집을 열다.
open a flower shop
그는 그녀를 만나러 가기 전에 꽃집에 들러 예쁜 꽃다발을 하나 샀다.
Before going to see her, he stopped by her florist and bought her a pretty bouquet of flowers.
꽃집 주인인 그는 매일 아침 일찍 꽃 시장에 가서 싱싱하고 예쁜 꽃들을 들여온다.
The owner of the flower shop, he goes to the flower market early every morning to bring in fresh and pretty flowers.


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