Form of Letters in Korean: 글씨’s meaning and pronunciation

Form of Letters in Korean, 글씨 meaningForm of Letters in Korean is 글씨. For examples, you can use like [깔끔한 글씨,
삐뚤어진 글씨]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 글씨 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
글씨 noun 글씨

글씨 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
form of letters The form in which characters are written.


깔끔한 글씨.
neat letters.
삐뚤어진 글씨.
crooked letters.
우리는 선생님께서 불러 주시는 말을 반듯한 글씨로 받아 적었다.
We dictated the words the teacher called us in straight letters.
나는 군대에 있을 때 여자 친구의 정성스러운 글씨로 가득한 편지만 기다렸다.
When I was in the military, I only waited for a letter from my girlfriend full of heartfelt letters.


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